
Feel like telling you guys a story...
(Hmmm.. let's use 'Tom' again shall we?)

Tom is a infantry soldier currently in enemy territory. As Tom and his platoon move through the heavily forested jungle, suddenly they were ambushed!

Totally surrounded & seriously outnumbered, all his fellow soldiers dropped their weapons & surrender, even his commander too.

Now, Tom being a stubborn old fool... his never-say-die spirit insisted that he MUST not surrender, MUST not GIVE UP! Although Tom knew the odds are stacked up so high against him that it would take a miracle to overcome this adversity.

Despite knowing its risk, Tom decided to hold on to his HOPE.

He armed his weapon.

He charged forward towards the enemy.

The enemy commander (let's call him "EB") was shocked. "Is he nuts?" he thought to himself. The rest of his troops just watched on....

As Tom approaches, EB fired a shot.

The bullet planted itself deep within Tom's left knee. Tom was in great pain. But he continue charging.. still holding on to HOPE.

EB was stunned. EB's troops felt sympathy for Tom. His courage, his beliefs touched them.

Another shot was fired. Tom was hit in the the right knee. Crippled, many thought that was the end. But not Tom, he crawled forward, leaving a trail of blood.. blocking out the intense pain from his wounds. Still holding on to HOPE.

At this point, all the soldiers present except EB felt for him. Persuading him to give up & not continue anymore. But to no avail.

After some distance, EB fired the 3rd shot. Tom felt a sudden numbness in his left hand. Thick red blood soon starts gushing from his left bicep.

Left with only 1 hand now, Tom struggled to stay awake, struggling even harder to move on. Still holding on to HOPE.

The 4th shot pierced the silence of the jungle. Tom's gun was flung from his right arm. Tom fell.
All his four limbs are now crippled.

Watching in disbelieve, the soldiers are glad that it's finally over.

Suddenly Tom flipped to lie on his back... using his back now, he inched forward. still holding on to HOPE!

The troops stared. Speechless.

EB walked over, pointed his gun.

Tom, now staring directly into the barrel of EB's gun. EB moved downwards, aiming the gun directly at Tom's heart.

It was all over in less than 1 sec.

Holding on to his belief & HOPE, nothing could stop Tom, no amount of pain nor hurt nor obstacles nor adversity except ONE. His heart. The only way to stop Tom is a wound aim DIRECTLY at his heart, giving him no chance of survival.

Tom had died.

But he died without regrets, knowing he tried not ONLY his BEST.. but exceeded any expectations that was set forth.

To be continue...


Anonymous said...

You can express your thoughts so well through your writing. Should be a writer!

Extremely interesting entry!!


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed!