New Dawn

Dawn on this day signifies more than just a new day. It’s a new beginning.

Today, I started work officially in my new office.
Today, I can oogle a half naked ladies during office hours! (Thanks to my pool view seat!)
Today, I got a new mobile (She’s absolutely gorgeous!!)
Today, I got a new mobile line (My first change in number since I 1st got my line more than 10years ago!)

Check out the babe in bikini! hehhe

My messy table... still unpacking.

Isn't she sexy? My new E900 touchscreen baby

Look! Same tee, same jeans, same coloured shoe! We didn't plan this, ok? Hahaa...

Today is the day I finally left the past behind & moving ahead.

A new beginning, a new start, a new result, a new future =
A better beginning, a better start, a better result, a better future!

I hope I won’t look back though....


Anonymous said...

Yup! totally agree, trav!! "A new beginning, a new start, a new result, a new future = A better beginning, a better start, a better result, a better future!" I always told myself also, but.. seems really can't do that wor.. sian! hope the better days coming to me too :)

fallenangel said...

awesome fone..and simply love ur view frm the u actually get ne work done sitting thr?

trav said...

Hahaa... yes, though it's always a challenge trying to focus!