My caucasian friends.. beware.

They thought it was chinese beer mugs....

or so they thought...

Didn't they find the beer tasted abit funny?? Hmm...

To my ang-mo (caucasians) friends, those are NOT chinese beer mugs.. but 'toilets' call 'tum pui'!

If you ask me.. think those birdbrains who trick them are just plain Idiots! I mean... what if you go to their country & they do the same to you.. how would ya feel!

Don't understand why some people are so plain dumb that in order to entertain themselves, they'll do it at others' expense... just for some cheap thrill?!!

Get a life, people! (Esp those china people...!)

I know some debates will be brewing when I say that.. but hey, I KNOW not all China folks are like that (I do have some good Chinese pals).. & you can find these kinda people in every country.


You can't deny the fact that Chinese nationals are well known for their arrogance & 'snobbisness'. Yes, your country is finally coming out of the Dark Ages, your economy is soaring.. wealth accumulating, blah blah blah.. but on the rise is not only that.. but China's arrogance as well.

I don't give a shit if you're a rising superpower.. so what?!

Doesn't matter if you have one of the world's largest army, or that your population consists of almost half the human race on Earth.. nothing a few of those nice gifts from US to Hiroshima won't settle.

In short..

A great leader does not instills fear..
A great leader commands respect... through humility.

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