monday's thoughtsSole Proprietorship or A Partnership

Marriage is just like business. No?
Let me convince you...

You got yourself a hot date (finding an attractive partner).. you go out.

You hit it off (After finding both had common objectives and interest are well-aligned.)

You decided to take the next step and enter into a relationship. (Where the more serious terms & negotiations are meted out.)

Disagreements and arguments surface (Each party trying to protect and increase their own benefits).

After surviving this period.. (where each party are satisfied with the general terms & conditions), marriage is arranged. (A formal legal contract is signed).

You got married. (The corporate merger took place..).

After the honeymoon, a huge fight breaks out.. (At times, certain criteria's are left out in the initial negotiation stage).

Both begin to have second thoughts. (About the benefits of merger.)

As with Singapore's marriage certificate, it has a year's annulment clause

( 1 year's warranty period?).

Brings a whole new meaning to 'work' doesn't it?

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