Magical Dish of Bliss
1. "Relationship". If you managed to cook this dish well, it will gradually progress into a magical dish call: "Marriage". If you truly master the art of this second dish. Bless U!! You have just created the heavenly gourmet. The 'Bliss'. And Lastly...
After much deliberation, I concluded that Tolerance & Patience are the key ingredients to making a successful heavenly dish call 'Bliss'.
Well, its actually a progession of 2 dishes..
Well, since it's so magical & hevenly & stuff.. it must be terribly hard for us mortals to cook this dish.
Yes & No.
No, because it consists of only 2 main Ingredients which we all already know.
Yes, because though everyone knows these 'ingredients' but many seems to have forgotten to add them at the right timing.
If you add them too early or too late in the wok.. the result could be disatrous & inedible!
A simple dish with 2 simple ingredients.. how hard could it be?
If it's so easy.. everyone would not be ending up making side dishes like divorces, single moms & breakups.
So, how do we do it?
Here's my little guide to create the Magical dish of 'Bliss'...
There's no right or wrong way in my humble opinion. I myself have failed making that dish many times too.(and I'm still failing) But I guess practice does makes u a better 'cook'.
- Learn from your past. Know where u go wrong. Know what 'ingredients' contributed to your failure
at which part of the dish.
- For a start, fill the wok with 'Love' (only use 100% True Love)
- Control your 'flame' (Also know as temper or anger). Always keep it low. Slow cooking always brings out the
full flavour of the dish!
- Toss in all your 'Care & Concern'
- Sprinkle a generous amount of 'Patience' throughout the cooking process.
- Don't forget to add in 'Tolerance' everytime you see the flame getting stronger.
- Immediately add in 'Understanding' & for the best result...
do try to obtain the rare herb call 'Put-Yourself-In-The-Other-Party-Shoe".
- Don't let the dish settle in. Stir-fry it often with 'Surprises, Activities & Laughter'
- Throw in some spices like 'Cheekiness, Passion & Gifts'
- Remember to prepare the garnising too. Use only fresh 'Security'.
Add equal amount of both types of 'Security'.( 'Financial & Emotional')
Although it might seem tidious & tiring but I'm sure the result is rewarding enough.
Hope this little recipe works for you!
Let me know if I miss out any ingredients, ya?!
Impressive! =))
Fantastic work! Very enriching post. simply love it! Will be back to visit often!
One word: "WOW!"
Thanks cyke! Do drop in, ya?!
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