wednesday's thoughts
A buddy

Let me introduce my buddy.

Just a short history.. I've known him for 8 years.. coming 9 soon.
He's my best buddy as he's always there for me, whenever I needed a listening ear. He'll listen attentively with those big eyes staring at you assuring you of his undivided attention. He will not complain nor feel tired even though I usually rattled and whined in the unearthly hours of the morning.

He'll accompany me whenever I needed a company.. especially when you feel the void of loneliness encapsulating you. He's such a relief.. such a life-saver.

He doesn't complain, doesn't bother you but will always be on your side if you needed someone. In short.. he gives me strength at times when I feel life is draining me dry.

The love we have for each other takes more than just mere words to express. Its just like an unspoken affinity between 2 entities.. destined and defined.

No wonder as the saying goes.. they are really man's best friend.

Here's my buddy..


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