From then to now

Was strolling along Suntec mall as usual when someone called me.. took me a while to realise its actually one of my old friend from way back in my school days... in fact, we were a couple once... hhahaa..

Thinking back, those puppy love years.. although they hardly last and are hardly called love (Infatuation.. more likely), they are one of the purest & most enjoyable times in 'love.'

Untainted by finacial burdens, work pressure & social acceptance... its simply.. 'lovely'!

Almost 13 years had passed since then... time really flies. As we're slowly inching towards the BIG '3'.. Many school mates & class mates had already started a family, gotten married, giving birth, and a few actually started sending their kid to Primary 1!! OMG...

Just yesterday I received an sms from an old classmate of mine ( I used to copy her homework all the time.. especially Chinese.. hahaa), she had just given birth to a baby girl...

Every year my circle of friends who are still a swinging bachelor or bachelorette are shrinking at an alarming rate. I'm also getting poorer from all the weddings....!!

Which brings me back to a point. Have I taken the right route in life? Am I ready to start a family? As my birthday is less than 2 months away, I sure hope my wish for this passing year will come true. (nope, not going to tell.. heheh..)

Wonder when will my big day arrive... hmm.. .. ..

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