Modernity vs Tradition

Was on my way to work this morning... taking the sardined-packed train, and as usual I was standing & trying to catch some 40 winks. i was just about to succeed when suddenly, a loud sound climbs through the already noisy chatter of the cabin. It goes like this... " youuuuu... muthafucker! youuu... muthafucker!!" I look around and realise it was someone's mobile ringtone. Hardly surprising.

But what surprised me was the user. After scanning through trying to find that 'muthafucker', I saw a middle-age muslim woman in traditional 'tudung' taking out her mobile sheepishly & quickly answered the call.

It got me thinking.. what's the point of wearing your tradition attire ritually everyday if your mindset & thinking are that of the modern generation? By obligation or by situation?

In any case, I just feel that's its damn contradicting.. kinda like one day u see the 'pope' in leather & spikes jumping to a 'Kiss' concert...

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