Contest time!

Found a little time on my hands & decided to enter some contests...
1) A dblO club CD cover design contest... Saw this from an email & thought I'll just give it a shot.

2) A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt design contest.. Thanks to Stacey who told me about it!

Just some ideas... which is your fav?





wish me luck, ya?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, trav.
hmmmm... i think the cd cover looks like club momo, purple, flower and butterfly pattern.
and the mickey t-shirt, it's for gals or guys? if guys, i like the last one, if for gal, i like the 2nd one, if for kids, you can make more different and special colours, even on mickey mouse or words :)
they are my opinions :) hehe.. but anyway, GOOD LUCK ar :D