Time is really flying past... in a twinkle, 2007 is just slightly more than 3 months away and most importantly, I'll be 27 in just a few more months.
What have I achieved so far? I found myself asking that ever so often. Just as often, I arrived at the answer of what have I lost so far...
What I had lost...? Too many. Some were really precious and irreplaceable... The pain still lingers now. But thinking back, I know for everything that I had lost... I had tried my upmost to hold on to it & to still loose it despite all the efforts, I know it's not meant to be mine and most importantly, I've gain valuable lessons.
I've learnt to appreaciate all the things I once possess & to learn from all the past mistakes to make sure that they are never to be repeated ever again.
You know, in life... everyone knows that no one is perfect. Right?
But somehow, people will tend to forget that & expect perfection from you. Humans are afterall... just humans. Inperfection is what makes people so interesting... do you think so? I mean, if everyone is perfect... it'll just be like "Pleasantville".
One word. " BORING"
To me, I can accept almost any mistakes... so long as the mistakes are learnt & effort is put in to correct it. In fact, making mistakes & learning from it is better (which shows you are improving) than not making any at all... which of course means you're perfect which also means you're God. ( coz no one is perfect... remember?)
Hmm.. think I've drifted away from my topic.
Now, looking back at the past 26yrs or so... I'm pretty proud of my achievements so far. Though I didnt earn as much as I want to or become as good in my work as I hope to be, I know I've been working my ass off & I tried hard.
For the past 2 1/2 years of working life... I've seen, heard & been through pretty much. Bad bosses, bad management, bad colleagues, backstabbing, stories after stories, petty little games.. the so-called office politics.
Having been mixed in the middle & emerge unscathed... I've learnt not to take sides or to participate in it. Just keep my eyes ahead, do my job... lend some listening ear but keep my mouth hidden away... you'll be just fine.
Compared to others, some my age, some even younger... they're millionaires, bosses & senior management... my achievement pales in comparison. But envy or shame, these 2 emotions are not in my dictionary. Yes, i do look up to these highly successful people whom have already made their mark in society at such as early age. I respect them.
Though my so-called 'achievements' so far is 'peanuts' compared to them, I take great pride in my little successes. And without a doubt, it's only 'when' I'll join these people, not 'if'.
Working life is no bed of roses, even if you are the boss. Trust me, I know~! But be proud of what you do & at the end of the day, the sense of achievement far outweights any monetary benefits.
Of course, almost everyone works for $$$.. even me. But there will come a stage where increment are no longer as important as advancement.
With advancement comes more work, more reponsibilities, more stress and more pressure... but it also brings to you more value... ...which in invaluable.
So, in my 26yrs... I've learnt to create more value to myself. I no longer see myself as just a designer. I want to be more, much much more than that.
Before I turn 28... I've set a goal to DOUBLE my existing value! It's no easy task... but I believe anyone can achieve anything if they set their mind & heart into it.
From the day I enter the workforce, I've managed to attain all the major goals which I had set for myself despite all the obstacles & negativity. So, with that, I declare I'll reach my 'goal 2008'... I'm certain about it.
Hold me to it. If I fail then.. whoever that can remind me about this post will get an exclusive & elegant 5-course dining in the costliest restaruants in town!
Hahhaa.. so, there I said it!! No turning back for me now.