Stormy weather...

Been so tired physically & mentally that I practically steer clear of my computer when I reached home for the past week. Been staring at the monitor for 12hr days... I can almost feel my brain cells are converting to circuit chips as the seconds ticked by...

Tired, stressed, with no one to turn to...

Life is not very fun right not...
Despite all... I can't stop, I can't move back.... the only way is up. Guess it's time like this that really moulds a person. I'm not sure how will I turn out at the end of this journey... but the only assurance I can give myself is... When I reached the end, and I look back.... I know I tried & I'll have no regrets.

I always believe this in life.... " It doesn't matter that you failed, it's failing to try that really matters. "

Looking ahead.. I see many bumps, many obstacles, many storms... expect & anticipate problems, you'd won 25% of the battle, have confidence & believe in yourself... another 25% is won.

So, before any battles... half of it is already won... if you really wants it.

Lastly.. don't be afraid of a storm.. embrace it. make use of it.

Speaking of storm, last usual I was at the beach.. & guess what I s

It's a mini typhoon... commonly called a water sprout. From the news.. the last time this occurs was more than 5 yrs ago and it last for only about 5 mins..!


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