National Day

Yesterday, 09 Aug was our little yet big nation's 41st birthday. Very young in comparison but what we had achieved in a mere 41 years is nothing short of remarkable.

Contary to many beliefs.. ours has definitely nothing to do with miracle or luck. It's through sheer hard work, countless time spend toiling, sweating & shedding of blood and tears that our fore fathers had managed to turn a sleepy fishing village name Temasek into a gloablised model city state that numerous other countries are still trying to emaulate.

As such, on this day... I stand proud as being a "Made In Singapore" product! This term... just over 2 decades ago meant nothing to the world. But in a mere 20 years, most product are proud to display a "Made In Singapore" brand.

This brand has come to stand for quality, trust, design & value. Rising to the level of "Made In USA" & "Made In Japan" brands..

But with so much pride of being a Singaporean, sad to say... Singaporeans are not the model citizens.. the behaviour of some are even worse than many Third World countries.

Take the NDP 06 for instance... moments ago, every single soul in the stadium has merge into a single Singapore Spirit, touched & moved.. many (even our overseas friends) sang our many national songs & recite our national pledge with such sincerity & pride.

Minutes later.. after exiting the stadium. The ugly Singaporeans rear its ugly heads. A war could have broke out at the carpark. No one giving way to nobody, incessant horning, tempers flaring.. all seems to have forgotten just moments ago that they all are smiling, laughing, clapping, singing as ONE PEOPLE.


Here's some fireworks pic I took on NDP eve, Serene & I were along the Marina park waiting more than 1 1/2 hrs just to catch a 10 min show.. hahaha..



Anonymous said...

dear trav, Angie made in HK wor.. haha. very nice fireworks hah :) but too bad i can't see it everytime i came to singapore.. but no prob, nvm ^^ last time i saw fireworks in Sg... 17 yrs ago the National Day on 1989 when i was 8. and that was my 1st time went to Singapore leh.. hehe.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Those pics are amazing! GREAT SHOTS!