For you.

This is for you. Who? If you can relate, it's you.

I can sense the feeling of helplessnes & lost you are feeling. The long nights of staring into space, the void inside you. Though you may deceive yourself by keeping your day busy with work, friends, boyfriend and activities... but deep down, you know very well that all that is just so 'surface'.

You need to find a direction & stick to it. If need be, reflect on yourself. 1 blame you... might not be your fault, 2 blame you... might still not be your fault, but if all blames you... time to step back & have a good look.

The humbled shall emerge victorious while the proud are destined to be its slave.

Many times in the hustle & bustle of working life, we tend to neglect the really important people in our lives who still stood by you regardless of how they've been treated. These are the people you should really treasure above EVERYTHING else.

One day, you are going to lose it all.. your work, your career, your wealth and your health.. but the only thing that matters then is that person/s..

just a little thought.. before I leave office for the night.

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