monday's thoughtsMicrosoft Surface..

imagine.. you were out at the beach and you saw a really weird looking dog.. excited, you whipped out your mobile and snap a few pics. Can't wait to get home and email to a few buddies.

You reach home, saw your mom sipping her afternoon tea at the living room and decided to share your prized photographs. You placed your mobile on the coffeetable. It instantly recognises it and displays the lastest few pics you took on its 30 inch touchscreen interactive surface. You gently touch the pics and enlarge it so that you mom can have a better look.

She finds it so amusing that she places her mobile on the table and dragged the pics into her mobile.

You notice her tea colour looks unique and ask her what kind of tea she's having... she took out the can of tea leaves and places on the table.. a wealth of infomation pops up immediately with even pics and videos of the tea plantation.

Sounds high-tech? Science fiction? Or something from a futuristic movie?

Trash your imagination, folks! It's a reality...

Introducing Microsoft Surface...
You guys really have to see it in action to gauge its coolness level!

Click here.

I want one!!!
God, I'm so glad to be part of this generation... isn't it just exciting???!

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